Friday, January 4, 2008

Black Mesa ruins my sleep

The folks over at Black Mesa Corp. have destroyed my sleep once more, just like I knew they would. One of the first things I wanted to play on the PS3 was the Orange Box and I've tried it out and it's fabulous. I started off with Half Life 2 and it has a fabulous beginning with G-Man appearing in a creepy vision as the credits roll. It's immediately obvious that Gordon Freeman is in serious trouble and that City 17 is the last place he should be and you have to start running and hiding immediately. I was blown away by how sharp the textures are and how great the lighting is, it's the most impressive version of the game I've seen.

I started off cautiously moving towards the street and I felt like everyone was staring at me, including the little flying eyeball sentries. The alleyway felt much safer and I could relax a bit. That didn't last however, as I had to flee to a building nearby and the security forces came running on my heels. I made it to the top floor and was beckoned inside by a local, but got caught escaping to the roof. Man, it's such a creepy game and I had to stop playing to connect to the real world and uncreep myself :)

Portal actually made me laugh out loud with joy at the sense of humour that they imbued the AI with. It's so snarky and condescending. The puzzles start out fairly easy, but by the ninth one, I was getting stumped. This is going to be so much to play, I can tell.


Jason Langlois said...

It plays well on the PS3? I leery of the FPS on consoles, because I like the illusion of precision working with a mouse and keyboard gives.

sue said...

So far it's been flawless, although I've had limited experience with Half 2 on the Pc so it's an uniformed comparison.